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1-on-1 Coaching

These coaching calls allow you to have support and accountability to remaining active with your intentions and aware of how to remove blockages that come along with the process.

digital handbook

Download the Toxic Lover Handbook which has activities and powerful content to support you weekly and beyond.

video guides

This training reprograms your mindset. Have access to weekly video and audio empowerment content to keep you centered and consistent.

virtual energy clearing

Experience 3 powerful group energy clearing sessions through reiki and prayer to support the emotional and spiritual shifts necessary to heal toxic patterns embedded at a cellular level.

Choose Your Enrollment Level

  • Full Payment

    One-Time Payment
    Valid for one month
    • Four 1-on-1 Coaching Calls with a #ToxicLoverHealing Coach
    • Exclusive Digital Toxic Lover Handbook
    • Weekly Video Guides
    • 3 Virtual Group Energy Clearing Sessions
  • Payment Plan

    Every month
    FlexPay Option
    Valid for 4 months
    • Four 1-on-1 Coaching Calls with a #ToxicLoverHealing Coach
    • Exclusive Digital Toxic Lover Healing Workbook
    • Weekly Video Guides
    • 3 Virtual Group Energy Clearing Sessions

All funds paid are non-refundable for one-time payment plans as well as 4 month flexpay plans.

© 2018 The Womb Sauna

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